Thank you for stopping! I'm Andrea (pronounced ON-drea... like the "ondria" in mitochondria), and I’m from Dallas, Texas. I love rainy days, good coffee, my family and friends, chips and salsa, stacks of books, and Christmas music year-round.
Andrea Howey & Co began as a lifestyle brand to create hand lettered words and goods designed to encourage the God-given courage, faith, and hope in people's everyday lives. With goods like art prints, throw pillow covers, apparel, and more, each product is intentionally designed to bring beauty and inspiration to your home and life.
The reason I'm so passionate about sharing these things with you is because I firmly believe you have a call of God on your life and a purpose and destiny that God wants you to step into and fulfill. I want to cheer you on and stir up and strengthen your faith so you can run the race God has called you to.
If God can use what is in my hands to put courage in people, to speak into the lives of those who need a reminder of God’s goodness and faithfulness, then I know God wants to do the same through the gifts, talents, resources, and skills He has put in your hands and heart.
I want to encourage the courage in YOU and provide you with reminders, words, and scripture you can hold in your hands, share with family and friends, and display in your home to remind you that you have what it takes. God has put His courage in you and He wants you to fully realize and take hold of it so you can run the race He has called you to and fulfill the purpose, potential, and destiny He has for you.
You have what it takes, my friend. I’m cheering for you.

My mission is to share hand lettered words and goods designed to encourage the God-given courage, hope, and faith in your everyday life.